Ship revenue
1. Cargo capacity
- Ship size
- Bunkers and stores
2. Procuctiovity
- Operational planning
- Backhauls
- Operation speed
- Off hire time
- Dwt utilization
- Port time
3. Freight rates
- Market balance
- Ouality of service
- Quality of service
- Competition
Operationg costs
- Crew number
- Crew wages
- Stores
- Lubricants
- Repairs
- Maintenance
- Insurance
- Administration
Voyage costs
- Fuel concumption
- Main engine
- Auxiliary engines
- Fuel price
- Speed
- Port charges
- Canal dues
- Tugs etc.
Cargo handling
- Cargo type
- Ship design
- Cargo-handling gear
- Unitization of cargo
- Organization
- Stevedore costs
- Size of loan
- Length of loan
- Moratorium
- Bullet
- Currency
- Source of loan
- Size of loan
- Interest rate
- Terms of loan
- Age of Ship
- Maintenance policy
- Special survey cycle
- regulations