right and left side of the body. The C+T intervention
group experienced a significant improvement in computing
postures post-intervention compared to the control group
for the left side of the body (b ¼ 2.25; z ¼ 7.77;
po0.05) and for the right side of the body (b ¼ 1.94;
z ¼ 6.23; po0.05). The T-only group experienced a
statistically significant improvement in computing posture
post-intervention compared to the control group for the
left side of the body (b ¼ 1.88; z ¼ 5.77; p ¼ 0.00) and
for the right side of the body (b ¼ 1.98; z ¼ 5.73;
p ¼ 0.00). The difference between C+T and the T-only
groups for both the left and right side of the body were
not statistically significant. Changes in the RULA
scores for the left and right side of the body are depicted
in Fig. 5.