.• The first column represents the factorial axes, ei .
• The second column represents the absolute values of the characteristic roots (Eigen values)
• The third column presents the percentage of the total inertia/ variance.
• The fourth column presents the cumulative percentage of the axes inertia.
• The fifth column represents the histogram of the characteristic values in accordance with their size
(Anastasiadou and Papadimitriou, 2001)
The indicators used for the results interpretation of Analyse Factorielle Des Corespondance (AFC) application
are the very well known coefficients named “inertia”, “contribution” and “correlation”. These coefficients allow us
the intermediate distinction of the significant and determinate variables or items that contribute to the factorial axes’
creation. Therefore, inertia, which explains every factorial axis, correlation and contribution, interpreted the AFC
The data analysis with the Analyse Factorielle Des Corespondance (AFC) application is initially interpreted to the
Table 1, which presents the characteristic roots of the Burt table as well as the inertia of each factorial axis. Table 1
allows us to distinguish the number of the main factorial axes which are the most suitable to the result interpretation.
In addition, the inertia percentage of each factorial axis presents the significance percentage of each (criterion 1)