Based on study on propagation characteristics of traveling wave in transmission lines, a novel power grid
fault traveling wave network protection scheme was proposed in this paper. When a line fault occurs, all
traveling wave protection relays (TWPR) record arrival time of initial traveling wave using the precise
timing signals from Global Positioning System (GPS). Then the ineffective arrival time of initial traveling
wave is eliminated and modified, while the effective arrival time of initial traveling wave is utilized to
detect the fault line. Different from the traditional protection schemes, which are only based on fault
information of one line, the proposed scheme not only solves the problems of traveling wave protection,
which are susceptible to the factors (such as the structure of the lines), but also can make reliable tripping
action when one or more TWPRs break down, start-up failure or record wrong arrival time of initial traveling
wave. Both theoretical analysis and simulations indicate that the protection method has high reliability,
and redounds to further enhancing the practicability of traveling wave protection