thanks a lot for your email, how are you doing i hope everything is alright with you, i am so sorry for my late reply i have been so busy over here , i travel to Ontario for a meeting conference i just come back this evening , thanks for your lovely kind words to my children i am happy that you like the pictures of my children
honey i am so glad that you have contacted the owner of the land and agree on price of the land , yes i am so interested on the pictures of land you send me last time
please i want to know how much is the deposit payment of the land , i want to know how much is the first payment we have to pay for the land ok ,
after we pay the first payment to the owner of the land i will be coming over to Thailand , i will also be sending some of luggages to you because i have so much luggages to carry with me when am coming over to Thailand
i will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible so i can prepare the money and send to you.i will like you to send me your bank account and also your home address with your phone number
Please i want everything we are doing to be on trust and honest to each other ok, i know when everything is successful we will have a very happy life and good family together.
i will be waiting for your email as soon as possible ok