The main objective of this work was the validation of a RFID smart tag developed for real-time traceability
and cold chain monitoring for food applications. This RFID based system consists of a smart tag and a
commercial reader/writer. The smart tag, attached on the product to be tracked integrates light, temperature
and humidity sensors, a microcontroller, a memory chip, low power electronics and an antenna for
RFID communications. These sensor logged data can be stored in the memory together with traceability
data. A commercial reader/writer was used for reading and writing data on the smart tag, with a wireless
reading distance of 10 cm, in real-time at any time of the food chain. The results concerning a demonstration
of the system along an intercontinental fresh fish logistic chain are reported here. These results
proved that this system presents important advantages regarding conventional traceability tools and currently
used temperature data loggers such as more memory, reusability, no human participation, no tag
visibility needed for reading, possibility of reading many tags at the same time and more resistance to
humidity and environmental conditions.