Positive relationship between intellectual stimulation and job satisfaction shows that result is consistent with[1],[24], and[18]. The hypothesis 2 was not supported as individualized consideration is negatively related to job satisfaction. A possible explanation of this situation could be that employees could not meet their leaders due to leader’s busy schedule leading to lack of individual consideration, thus, the lesser the individual consideration, the higher the job satisfaction. We did not get any support for this finding from past research. As limited studies have been conducted in Malaysia so far, therefore the contextual difference in the culture might be responsible for this new finding. So we suggest conducting more studies in Malaysian context in order to explore this situation. Lastly, the regression weight for charisma and job satisfaction is also positive (0.607) but is not statistically significant. This finding is consistent with Lee et al[18]. Our results are also consistent with the findings of the study conducted by[25] in food and banking sector which found significant positive relationship between intellectual stimulation and job satisfaction but revealed no significant relationship between charisma and job satisfaction. Future researches can study the topic with greater detail by inclusion of certain moderating or mediating variables between transformational leadership in other sectors of Malaysia.