Reward: 3075 exp
You receive this quest from Samson, a ghost, who tells you about his love to a woman. You resolve that you find her. You need to return to the city and leave through the South-Western exit, near the harbor. You will find orc and human corpses there and you need to find footprints leading to a big orc with his guards. The battle with this opponent has been described in "Crabs versus Skeletons" quest. Then, enter the cave.
Inside, you will witness a fight between orcs and skeletons. Join the fights or wait for them to finish each other off. Then find the key owned by the pirate leader (the lower level) in the "Crabs versus Skeletons" quest. Locate the stairs, which is a meter away from the battlefield and climb downstairs. After you notice the remains of dragons, you will know that you are going in the right direction.