Facilitating the planning, use and
accounting or resources
An FM & C framework must respond to
the business process of an organization,
which in the federal government context is
the management accountability framework
(MAF). As shown in Figure 1, FM & C is
where the MAF rubber hits the road, i.e.,
when resources become part of the process.
The facilitation of resource management
through financial management is illustrated
in Figure 2.
Attributes of a Successful FM & C
Boiled down to bare essentials, a successful
FM & C framework is present when an
organization has the capacity to:
• conduct the resource management cycle
• establish boundary lines that clearly
delineate the limits within which all decisions
and transactions must be made; and
• establish and exercise clear accountabilities
- managing resources and staying within
the boundary lines, and
- demonstrating integrity vis-à-vis the
shared values and beliefs of the organization.
While the accountability in the last sub-bullet
may stem from the organization’s board of
management or equivalent, it is nevertheless
an integral part of the FM & C and all other
frameworks within the organization.
Using the attributes to assess FM & C
Figure 3 shows how an organization might
examine the gap between a successful FM &
C framework and what it has in place