The dormouse must tell us a story. Wake up, dormouse cried the other two together. The Hatter poured a little hot tea on his nose, and dormouse slowly opened his eyes. Tell us a story said the March Hare. And be quick, added the Hatter, or you’ll fall asleep again. Once upon a time there were three sisters, began the dormouse, and they lived at the bottom of a well. The sisters were learning to draw. The dormouse went on, in a slow, sleepy voice. They drew everything that begins with M…. Why M? Asked Alice. But the dormouse was asleep again, and although the March Hare and Hatter hit him quite hard, he wouldn’t wake up. Alice decided to leave. When she turned back for a last look at the house, the Hatter and the March Hare were trying to put the dormouse into the teapot