Psychopathology and aggressive behavior
Aggressive patients had a higher BPRS mean score
than non-aggressive patients (Table 3). The differences
were significant, with a positive association for all
components, except for withdrawal-retardation.
Aggressiveness was associated with psychomotor
agitation, somatic anxiety and exaggerated self-esteem,
in the group of activating symptoms. It was also
associated with hostility, suspiciousness and conceptual
disorganization, in the thinking disorder component.
Although aggressive patients had higher withdrawal-
retardation scores, they were less willing to cooperate in
the interview and had fewer negative symptoms, such
as psychomotor retardation. In addition, aggressive
individuals had fewer depressive symptoms (depressive
mood and feelings of guilt).
We also compared the BPRS scores between hostile
(verbally aggressive and aggressive against objects)
Psychopathology and aggressive behaviorAggressive patients had a higher BPRS mean scorethan non-aggressive patients (Table 3). The differenceswere significant, with a positive association for allcomponents, except for withdrawal-retardation.Aggressiveness was associated with psychomotoragitation, somatic anxiety and exaggerated self-esteem,in the group of activating symptoms. It was alsoassociated with hostility, suspiciousness and conceptualdisorganization, in the thinking disorder component.Although aggressive patients had higher withdrawal-retardation scores, they were less willing to cooperate inthe interview and had fewer negative symptoms, suchas psychomotor retardation. In addition, aggressiveindividuals had fewer depressive symptoms (depressivemood and feelings of guilt).We also compared the BPRS scores between hostile(verbally aggressive and aggressive against objects)
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