NAME OF ACTIVITY: Catch the dragons tail
GRADE LEVEL: Grades k-6
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: One rag or flag per dragon
HIGHLIGHTS: Safety in large group running, anticipating the movement of others.
INSTRUCTIONS: Divide the class into teams of four to eight or so. Have the students to form a dragon by hanging on to the waist of the person in front of them. The last person of the dragon, or tail, is given a rag to hang out of the back of his pants. The object of the game is for the head to catch the tail and pull the rag from that player. If he succeeds he will become the new tail. The old tail does not become the new head, he stays in his same order. This game can be given a time limit in case a player is having trouble catching the tail.
HELPFUL HINTS: Emphasize that safety is very important. Also students should not let the dragon break.
Catch the Dragon’s Tail
Type: Active game
Group Size: for bigger groups. 20 and up.
Equipment: Handkerchief for each dragon , cones for the boundaries.
Split into two teams and then have the teams get in a single file line. Larger groups can split into teams of 6 or higher.
Have each team put their arms around the persons waist in front of them. You are going to form a train.
The person in the rear puts the handkerchief in they back pocket or puts in down their pants so that the handkerchief hanging out.
The object of the game is for each dragon to move as one unit towards another dragon. They will try to catch the opposing teams handkerchief. They must do this without breaking the chain of people. Only the leader of the dragon may catch the handkerchief.
When they catch the dragon’s handkerchief, they link up with the other dragon and continue to pursue other dragon’s, while protecting their own tail.
Hints: Instead of putting arms around waste hold hands it makes it easier.
Critique: Make rule that you can’t try to break other person’s chain if you do your group is disqualified. Have a bigger area to play the game. A good warmup is to have each dragon try to capture it’s own tail.
Catch the Dragon’s Tail game is one of the very fun outdoor party or celebration games that is not advisable for individual with weak health because it require running, dragging and pulling each other to avoid from being caught by the opponents. This extremely fun game is originated in China.
This game is sometimes called ‘Touch the Dragon’s Tail’ and ‘Tag the Dragon’s Tail’, but whatever you may call it, the idea is just same with some variation depending on the ‘taste’ of the organizer.
Overview and Requirements
Time-bounded group game, at least 3 groups
At least 8 members participant per group
Not advisable for sickly individuals
Wide area or playground
Handkerchief or ribbon and timer
Needs referee, scorer and linemen
To catch the handkerchief tied at the back of the last person in the line (which is called the tail) of its opponent without breaking the line and going outside the boundary Only the first person in line (which is called the head) is allowed to catch the tail of its opponent.
Safety First
All participants must remove all jewelries and accessories they are wearing and other sharp and pointed object from their body like ballpens and keys.
Step 1. Form at least 3 groups with at least 8 members per group but the more the better. Make sure that all groups have equal number of members. Let each group fall in line facing in the center, like this illustration below.
Step 2. Orient the group about the mechanics and rules of the game, and show them the boundary.
Step 3. Tie a handkerchief at back, preferably at the belt, of the last person in line of every group. But before that, make sure that you have mark the boundary with some visible materials like plastic twine.
Step 4. Ask the participants to hold on the should, waist or hand of the the person in front of them. There are three common ways to form the dragon: hands on the shoulder, hands around the waist and hand between the legs. See this illustration below.
The hand between waist formation is only applicable for teens and adults; for kids, the hands on shoulder or around the waist is advisable.
Step 5. Blow the whistle to start the game.
Basic Rules of the Game
Plus 1 point for every group who catches a tail of its opponents, and minus 1 point for every broken line or going outside the boundary.
Once a head catch any tail, the head should should shout, “Caught!” or any word to signal the referee or the scorer.
Any tail is cannot be caught by the same head for two times consecutively.
The group with higher number of points after the set time is the winner.