The process used, at the National Industrial Gases Company N.I.G.C. Annaba (Algeria) for the manufacture of
acetylene consists of reacting the calcium carbide with the water in excess. Such a process necessarily leads to the
parallel production of lime slurries in the form of sludge. The amount of this by-product, considered as industrial
waste, increasing from one day to another. This residue, with no commercial value, poses landfill or long-term
storage problems. This rejection, highly alkaline, has led to disasters affecting the soil, water, wildlife, plants and
even animals. These observations led us to valorize this by-product in protecting the environment, especially in water
treatment. The generalization of the use of this by-product in water treatment would provide a very large market and
allow simultaneous dual action favorable to the environment: the elimination of waste and water treatment. The main
objective of this study is to devaluate the performances of the residual lime, by-product of the manufacture of
acetylene, up to level of removal of suspended solids and removal of organic matter from the wastewater of the dairy
"EDOUGH". The tests of process showed that the coagulant used would reduce: the suspended solids (LSS), organic
matter, nitrogenous and phosphated compounds, with an abatement of 92% of LSS and 83% of PT, which guarantees
the respect Algerian standards for these two parameters.
The process used, at the National Industrial Gases Company N.I.G.C. Annaba (Algeria) for the manufacture ofacetylene consists of reacting the calcium carbide with the water in excess. Such a process necessarily leads to theparallel production of lime slurries in the form of sludge. The amount of this by-product, considered as industrialwaste, increasing from one day to another. This residue, with no commercial value, poses landfill or long-termstorage problems. This rejection, highly alkaline, has led to disasters affecting the soil, water, wildlife, plants andeven animals. These observations led us to valorize this by-product in protecting the environment, especially in watertreatment. The generalization of the use of this by-product in water treatment would provide a very large market andallow simultaneous dual action favorable to the environment: the elimination of waste and water treatment. The mainobjective of this study is to devaluate the performances of the residual lime, by-product of the manufacture ofacetylene, up to level of removal of suspended solids and removal of organic matter from the wastewater of the dairy"EDOUGH". The tests of process showed that the coagulant used would reduce: the suspended solids (LSS), organicmatter, nitrogenous and phosphated compounds, with an abatement of 92% of LSS and 83% of PT, which guaranteesthe respect Algerian standards for these two parameters.
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