We are a busy family in need of an Au Pair to care for 1 child (assist with middle school homework, meal prep, and assist with after-school activities) as well as perform household cleaning. Most of your day will be free with the focus hours before and after school (7-745 am and 4-7 pm). We are "free-range" parents and encourage independence and creativity for our son. Living in our home will provide you a rich environment as well as time to explore and enjoy yourself! We have 2 dogs and 2 cat
We are looking for someone who can care for our son with love and kindness. He is very bright and enjoys learning new things. His favorite class is Latin and we would love for someone who speaks a Romance language to assist him in conversational language development. We like to play cards, board games, and watch movies--low key personality would be a perfect for our home! This role will primarily be to assist our family in weekly cleaning (vacuuming, dusting, kitchen, and bathrooms) as well as day-to-day help with our son (homework, food prep, and driving him to/from activities). Your weekends and most day time hours are free. We are in the process of renovating our home; you would start out sharing a bathroom with our son. After the renovation, you would have a private bathroom.