For the purpose of audit, we should be glad if you would complete and
return this form direct ot our auditors, messre HLLEE CO Chartered Accounts,
No 11-2, Jalan Batu Nilam 4, Bandar Bukit Tinggi, 41200 Klang, Selangor
Our books show that at 31.12.2014 the balance of your account was-
Due by you to us RM 29,962.86 (Trade)
No money received or paid by us after the date stated has been taken into account in arriveing at the above figures.
Please note that this is merely a request for verification and not a request for payment.
Please reply promptly,
Kindly tick box (A) or box (B) below-
A- The abovestated balance is correct
b- Unable to agree to the abovestated balance.