Jacob swallowed uncomfortably, the blush on his cheeks becoming more evident. Uncertainty tugged at him like a lead on a dog. Any words or thoughts he might have had became non-existent. Any viable answers that floated around in his mind had disintegrated. All he could focus on was how close and intimidating Roth was right now.
“I uh...”
What, Jacob? Stop snivelling for God's sake! Get a grip!
The chance to speak was snatched from him, as a finger pointed towards the ceiling, waiting for Jacob's eyes to follow.
Well shit.
“You sly bastard.”
Roth chuckled. Jacob had lost.
“Aren't I just?” Roth agreed, his hand slowly cupping at Jacob's left jaw, his thumb caressing the scar that originated there, fingers teasing at the earlobe. Roth was sending him insane with his electrifying touch, tickling at his skin with such temptation that even Jacob could not say no. Leaning into the hand, he allowed his eyes to ease shut. Perhaps he wanted to be caught all along.
“Roth...” he gasped, scared, yet seeking for attention that only Roth could give him. He opened his eyes, though half-lidded, watching Roth's face with interest. “Cheek or forehead?” A rhetorical question, for both of them knew it was Jacob's way of avoiding the inevitable subject. The answer was a finger on his lips.