4.3.1 Preparation
From the perspective of technical cooperation, preparation for land use
planning includes the following activities:
- Clarification of need and/or demand for land use planning;
- Clarification of legal provisions:Before entering into land use planning, the legal frame for it needs to be assessed. Which provisions do
exist? Which institutions are responsible or need to be included according to law? What are the provisions on the procedure, actors, finance
- Land use related problem analysis:The basis for determining the
need for land use planning is a participatory problem analysis. In a well
moderated workshop key stakeholders jointly discuss major land use
related challenges as well as potentials. The guiding question should be:
Do we need rules to guide the use of land? Economic, socio-economic
and ecological aspects should be discussed equally. The application of
new concepts such as the HCV-concept or the eco-system services approach may influence the discussion