Business- level planning
Success is only a target. The processes of success are very much alike climbing the staircase, one need to be settled down before the other. Airline must keep on expanding its scope, wider accessibility and extend its network. Lion Air has a business unit division which responsible for explore for the future step. This team find out what should be the next destination the airline should place their investment to; by analysing many factors of the targeted destination include demography, economic transaction, the demand for travelling and many other sectors. For some targets, for instance Surabaya, Manado, Ambon, Makassar, the analysis may not be prospective, but it can be offset by the favourable geographic condition which allows it to be the connection hub with its proximity. Once the result is positive, the team then draw up strategic plans to present to the corporate centre for discussing and evaluating. The strategic plans must undergo many steps of revising and discussing before it can be finalised by the corporate board. Corporate- level planning
Open up corporate plan is a complicated task, it requires complicated procedures. Corporate must outlay huge investment in facility as well as for dealing with indigenous authority and overcome some government regulations. Therefore reinforcement is quite a risky task if not prudently evaluate.
The corporate plan results from the approval of the business plans. Lion Air's boards are the eventual reviewers of the strategic plan. The board have jurisdiction to decide whether the plan should be ratified or need further revised. The board then prioritize the sequence of corporate plans and take action. As the result of effort, started from only one daily flight, within merely 9 years time, Lion Air currently connects to over 36 destinations and operates up to 226 flights daily. In the immediate future, passenger will be able to fly extensively throughout the Asia Pacific region with Lion Air.