Gajbhiye et al. (1994) reported lactation length of 310 days in Mehsana buffaloes. This figure is close to the repol1s of Singh and Singh (1977) in Bhad~twari. Singh (1992) in Mehsana and Patil (1999) in Jalfrabadi, Surti and Murrah buffaloes and Dc)SS iJnd Sadana (2000) in Murrah. In Ma~'iJthwadi buffaloes lactation length was observed around 300days (Hadi. 1965 ; Patil, 1(99), which is higher than that reported by faikini and Paragaonkar (1969) and Patil (1 (99) in f:agpuri. Singh et al. (1993) in l:haclilwdri. Neog et al. (1993) in Murrah and Sathe (1997) in Pandharpuri.This variation in perfcorrnam:e traits is attributable to the genetic potentiiil of different breeds, adaptabihty to local environment and herd size.