Thursday, March 01, 2012
Smoking is Murder! (Visual Argument Analysis) (Week 6)
"Smoking isn't just suicide. It's murder." says the Chilean Corporation Against Cancer 2008/Category: Public Health and Safety. This image of a crying young boy surrounded by second hand smoke sends a very powerful message. Originally from a 2008 public health and safety campaign this visual argument enlightens this universal audience about their views on smoking. This public service announcements was intended to raise awareness of the dangers of second hand smokers, especially to young children.
Although this advertisement was created for a universal audience I believe that it specifically appeals to adults with children. Adult smokers might not care as much about the affects of nicotine on their health however its a different story when its hurting the well being of a helpless child. It appeals to the emotion of smokers and non smokers making them think harder the next time they decide to pick a cigarette up and smoke. Fear is a perfect emotion to appeal to gain the audiences attention.
The way in which this advertisement is portrayed from the image to the coloring all adds on to the visual arguments message. The image of the child crying surrounded by smoke in the dark by himself evokes panic, sadness, worry and fear. The fact that the smoke resembles a plastic bag that is suffocating the young boy makes this ad even stronger in its appeal. Is the advertiser stating that smoking causes the same harm as second hand smoke? Is second hand smoke taking air and essentially sucking the life out of children as would a plastic bag? These are questions that may pass through the minds of the audience.
The quote associated with this ad also contributes to the total affect of the ad on the general audience. "Smoking isn't just suicide. It's murder." tells smokers that their actions are the reason for the loss of lives. They are knowingly killing other, the actions of a murder. If you smoke you're essentially a criminal, according to advertisers.