The vendor number ranges can be defined using Transaction XKN1 or by following
the navigation path, IMG • Financial Accounting • Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable • Vendor Accounts • Master Data • Preparations for Creating
Vendor Master Data • Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts.
In Figure 10.2, you can see that the number range is defined by a two-character
code; in this case, the options are 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, and XX. The purchasing user
can enter the code and then define the number range. This cannot overlap with
existing number ranges. You can then define the number range as external by highlighting
the Ext field. If the number range is not defined as external, it defaults
to internal. The user can define the current number of the Vendor Master if the
internally assigned numbers need to start at a certain point.
After the number range has been defined, it can be assigned to an account group
or many account groups. The account groups are shown in Figure 10.3 and defined
for the vendor in the Accounting configuration using the navigation path, IMG •
Financial Accounting • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable • Vendor
Accounts • Master Data • Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data •
Define Account Groups with Screen Layouts.