Most women were selected through midwifery practices in different-sized cities in The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Den Bosch, Zwolle, Breda, Wageningen/Veenendaal and Leeuwarden). The midwifes were asked for their cooperation by way of a letter that provided a short explanation of the study.
They were furthermore asked to hand out invitation letters to women who fitted the parameters of one of the four groups of pregnant women sought. If the midwife practices agreed to participate, they received a second letter with instructions. This letter was accompanied by an introductory letter for pregnant women that informed them that the study was about lifestyle changes during pregnancy and asked for their cooperation. To avoid bias, women were
not informed that the interview would focus on nutritional awareness and motivations for nutrition behaviour. The letter also contained information about the duration of the
interview and expressed assurances regarding confidentiality. If the pregnant woman indicated an interest in participating, she was asked to contact the research team by telephone to arrange an interview.