analyzing the compounds by flow injection analysis respectively.Sensitivity of target analytes was checked by recording chro-matograms in full scan method in both positive and negativeionization mode. Due to adduct formation with FAc/ammoniumformate buffer, some analytes exhibit strong ammonium adductspecies ([M+NH4]+) which appear to be the most predominant ionsin the mass spectrum. Table 2 summarizes the optimal parametersof the UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap. In Full MS/dd-MS2mode, the firstscan event is a Full MS and the second is a dd-MS2, where the ionspecified in the inclusion list is selected by quadrupole. An isola-tion width of 1.5 Da was used for the quadrupole. In this study,N corresponds directly to loop count (N = multiplex × loop count,multiplex was set as 1.). Therefore, in Top 1 only triggered the massin the inclusion list within 10 ppm mass deviation at a particular