1. We confirmed the meeting with Urban for Thursday 27th October 2016 at meeting room 2nd. The invitation email will be sent out shortly.
2. Urban asked for the detail plan of the 3 anchor tenants in the Shoppes @ Belle.
- Food Court
- Molly Fantasy
- Villa Super Market
Kindly provide information ka.
3. Here I attached the example of the "Retail Strategy" provided by "Contour" (the previous retail consultant and interior designer of The Shoppes @ Belle, and @ The Ninth Tower), dated 2 Nov 2011. This presentation showed the way they addressed different components in the primary retail strategy.
- Retail target group
- Retail positioning
- Tenant mixed (Belle and The Ninth are different type of retail)
Although we are not quite sure if Urban will come up with this kind of presentation. But this is just for your information if our sale/marketing team would like to contribute some inputs in this coming workshop ka.
PS: Please disregard the concept design part in this presentation. It is a part of interior concept which should be carried on in the next step.