6.2 Storage and Maintenance
6.2.1 Storage
For temporary and demountable systems which require installation as part of the emergency
operations, the temporary or demountable parts will require adequate storage when not in use.
The following guidance is provided for storage of the moveable components:
! The location of the storage should be adjacent to the required deployment area if possible,
and in any case as near as practicable to the area or group of locations for which it is
intended. The location should be accessible at all times.
! The type of storage provided should offer adequate protection from harmful environment
for the type of system concerned.
! Laying and stacking of sections should be in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
and they should not be allowed to retain standing water. They should be laid in such a
way as to facilitate adequate access for inspection and maintenance and easy removal in
an emergency.
! Storage facilities should be well lit to allow for fast and safe deployment.
! If possible, storage for the temporary or demountable parts of the system should be
dedicated to that purpose to avoid damage through other activities and loss of component