and in 2
years average +10.3%. Not only cropping system, but also year and
the interactions genotype × cropping system, genotype × cropping
system × year and cropping system × year had a high influence on
gs (Table 5). As suggested by the significant interactions, the behavior of cultivars for this parameter was rather different through
years and systems. In 2010 Regent had highest gs in the organic
system (0.73), while Sibari a lower one, with the highest value in
the conventional system (0.75). On the other hand, in 2011, all
cultivars showed higher values in the organic system, except for
Wally Red. When testing cultivars in the organic management, the
year had no effect, while in the conventional system an effect of
the season and of the interaction was evident, with Sibari with
the highest value in 2010 and a far lower one in 2011 and with
Augurio and Wally Red recording the highest gs values of 2011
(Table 5)