Article: SISTAR hits #1 on 7 different music charts with release... 'digital queens'
Source: OSEN via Naver
1. [+425, -87] Their songs were the most SISTAR-like with So Cool, Alone, and up to Loving U... Give It to Me and this song, I'm not really feeling them.
2. [+397, -60] So Dasom had about 5 seconds of singing...?
3. [+382, -82] Just need one good sajaegi and it's game over
4. [+324, -90] The song's... ehh..
5. [+115, -11] SISTAR's songs are most SISTAR-like when composed by Brave Brothers....
6. [+106, -6] Below expectations. Please invest more in your music quality than your album jacket pictures.