What impact would Brexit have on the economy?
We don’t know for sure but there is a broad consensus that Brexit would be seriously bad for the economy over a 10-year time frame.
Do business leaders want In or Out?
Some differences of opinion but it is clear that broadly the big employers want to stay in.
Would I be better off?
Personally,yes because I am retired with a lot of foreign currency investments which would make a big profit as Sterling fell even more if we left. Nationally, we would probably be worse off for a long time.
So if I'm a farmer I'm worse off, but if I'm a fisherman I'm better off?
Generally, if you have a job you will probably we worse off
Would the UK be able to control its borders?
No. We would almost certainly be given the Norway deal ie if we want a trade package with the EU part of the deal would be that we have to accept free movement of workers. The difference would be that be that we no longer have input into EU policy. Brexit in that sense gives us the worst of all possible worlds.
Should we expect border controls between Ireland and Northern Ireland?
What about Brits working in other EU countries?
I suspect that people voting for Brexit believe the EU workers here would have to go home. If so, the many Brits would have to come back here. So… what’s the point of Brexit?
Would EU citizens already living here get booted out?
See above.
How about British expats in their Spanish villas?
Quite a few I suspect would choose to not meet integration rules and would come back here.
How would it affect my annual holiday to the Costa del Sol?
Passport control would probably become an even bigger nightmare.
How about my shopping bills?
We import a lot of food and its reasonable to assume the cost of living will go up because of a weak pound.
How about healthcare? If I have a skiing accident in the French Alps, what happens?
Travel insurance is likely to go up.
Would there be less red tape?
Possibly in the very long term, For around ten years there would likely be humungously more red tape as each part of officialdom puts its own interpretation on what applies. There would probably be regulatory and legal gridlock for at least a decade.
So it could be bad for workers?
In terms of protections, probably it would be bad. In terms of job pay and prospects, almost certainly it would be bad.
What would happen to the UK's international standing?
It is already clear that our non-EU partners would like us less and think we are less important if we leave the EU.
Would David Cameron have to resign if the UK votes to leave the EU?
Possibly but unlikely. The Conservatives would continue in power either way. It is not clear if there is anyone good enough to take over from Cameron.
Would there be another Scottish referendum?
Yes. The SNP have lined that up as their main excuse for another Scotland referendum a long time ago.
Would the UK still be able to take part in Eurovision?
I agree - sadly, yes.