AGROBASE Generation II
Chia Tai Co., Ltd., THAILAND
November 30 - December 4, 2015
Copyright c 2001-2015 by
Agronomix Software, Inc
Training Course
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8:30 -
¡E Welc
¡E Verif
¡E Unde
¡E Crea
¡E Data
¡E Navig
¡E Using
¡E Addit
¡E Mana
¡E Clas
¡E Refr
¡E Addit
¡E Trea
¡E Impo
¡E Grou
¡E Drag
| 1
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Page | 2
¡E Finding treatments in the research group
¡E Class exercise: importing sample treatment lists
12:00 to 1:00 pm
¡E Lunch break, possibly as a group depending upon venue
¡E Interaction with the course instructor as possible with the group
1:00 to 3:00 pm
¡E Designing experiments ¡V RCBD and split plots, other designs depending upon group interest
¡E Exporting experiments to Excel or dBase
¡E Importing experiments from the DEMO research group
¡E Viewing data in experiments ¡V display options, locking traits, sorting, setting trait orders
¡E System settings, split screens, data entry and validation, etc.
¡E ¡§Static¡¨ traits ¡V their use in experiments, relevance
¡E Class exercise: importing experiments and data into your practice research group
3:00 to 3:15 pm
¡E Refreshment break
3:15 to 4:30 pm
¡E Perennial experiments
¡E Sub-sampling
¡E Modifying and deleting experiments
¡E Fillers in experiments, correcting for planting errors
¡E Grouping experiments
¡E Grouping and managing multi-location experiments (trials)
4:30 to 5:00 pm
¡E Review from the day ¡V questions from the day¡¦s topics
¡E Trainee¡¦s own time to work on the day¡¦s topics
¡E Interact with instructor on specific questions
Day 2 ¡V Field Planting Plans, Reports, Labels, Data Entry
This day focuses on the practical aspects of laying out experiments, trials and nurseries, and then bringing
in data. The trainee will use the experiments created in Day 1 in their practice research group.
8:30 to 10:00 am
¡E Exporting trials
¡E Class exercise: Importing a trial from the DEMO research group
¡E Optimizing your use of your research group through grouping experiments, trials, and treatments
10:00 to 10:15 am ¡E Refreshment break
10:15 to 12:00 pm
¡E Visual design of planting plans
¡E Creating fields maps and sowing order lists
¡E Planting and harvest order numbers
¡E Saving and exporting planting plans to Excel and other file formats
¡E Management of sites and plans
¡E Class exercise: make your own planting plan(s) using experiments from your practice research group
¡E Generating reports via the report generator
12:00 to 1:00 pm
¡E Lunch break, possibly as a group depending upon venue
¡E Interaction with the course instructor as possible with the group
1:00 to 3:00 pm
¡E Introduction to the report generator: Designing field books
¡E Advanced report features ¡V conditional printing, data grouping, report objects, calculations in a report
¡E Designing labels and barcodes, printing multiple labels, thermal labels
¡E Sorting and filtering prior to generating reports or labels
¡E Class exercise: make your own reports or labels using your practice research group
¡E Using the Generation II to Excel ¡§express link¡¨
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¡E Using the AGROBASE TabletR application to enter data into experiments and nurseries from the field or
greenhouse and upload to an AGROBASE database over the internet
3:00 to 3:15 pm
¡E Refreshment break
3:15 to 4:30 pm
¡E Import data by relational index
¡E Importance of import profiles
¡E Notes on traits in each experiment
¡E 4:30 to 5:00 pm
¡E Review from the day¡¦s topics, answers for any trainee specific questions
¡E Trainee¡¦s own time to work on the day¡¦s topics
¡E Interact with instructor on specific questions
Day 3: Data Manipulation, Analysis, Varietal Comparisons, Images
With the experiments planted and data coming in during the season, this day focuses on data manipulation
and calculations, basic analysis of variance, and varietal comparisons.
8:30 to 10:00 am
¡E Transformation (calculation) of data in your research group
¡E Building functions and logical conditions (filters)
¡E Managing calculated traits
¡E Transformation scales for categorical and other types of data
¡E Graphs ¡V bar, line, point, 3D and trend maps of field data
10:00 to 10:15 am
¡E Refreshment break
10:15 to 12:00 pm
¡E Linear models, options, and basic understanding ANOVA output
¡E The GenStatR to AGROBASE Generation II Link
¡E The R to AGROBASE Generation II Link
¡E Modified augmented design Type 2 for early generation yield testing
¡E Incomplete block and alpha design analyses
¡E Nearest-neighbor spatial analyses of yield trials
¡E Combined multi-location analyses, non-orthogonal situations, missing values
¡E Saving analyses to MS-WordR or Adobe AcrobatR
Note: Only a very basic knowledge of statistics is assumed
12:00 to 1:00 pm
¡E Lunch break, possibly as a group depending upon venue
¡E Interaction with the course instructor as possible with the group
1:00 to 3:00 pm
¡E Performing multiple single analyses of variance
¡E Accessing other analyses in Generation II ¡V histograms, descriptive statistics, regression, correlation
¡E Viewing means stored from analyses of variance for single factor experiments
¡E Computing ranks, percent of checks or varieties
¡E System settings for displays
¡E Generating reports from means tables
¡E Creating selection indices and new groups of varieties or hybrids
¡E Strategies for completing the yield testing cycle from one year to the next
¡E Class exercise: creating a selection index and new treatment group using your practice research group
3:00 to 3:15 pm
¡E Refreshment break
3:15 to 4:30 pm
¡E Varietal comparisons ¡V context in Generation II
¡E Head-to-Head comparisons of varieties or hybrids over years and locations
¡E Rolling average summaries across multi-year trials for unbalanced data sets
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¡E Performance grid to view relative varietal performance across locations within a year
¡E GxE analyses with stored means
¡E Hybrid performance analysis for gca and sca across experiments, locations, and years
¡E Image Display Module: Image display for treatments, traits, plots, experiments
4:30 to 5:00 pm
¡E Review from the day¡¦s topics, answers for any trainee specific questions
¡E Trainee¡¦s own time to work on the day¡¦s topics
¡E Interact with instructor on specific questions
Day 4 - Plant Breeding System: Parents, Crosses, Populations, Nurseries
This day focuses entirely on the breeding system. This would be an introduction if you have never used the
software before, or a refresher to help in ¡§fine tuning¡¨ the software if you are a more advanced user. We will
try to accommodate as many different crops and breeding schemes ¡V whether self-pollinating, hybrid
development, clonal crops breeding, and more.
8:30 to 10:00 am
¡E Identifying genotypes with desirable traits ¡V querying the research group
¡E Parental genotypes for a breeding program ¡V grouping, history, etc.
¡E Class Exercise: Impor
For VERSION 37AGROBASE Generation IIChia Tai Co., Ltd., THAILANDNovember 30 - December 4, 2015Copyright c 2001-2015 byAgronomix Software, IncPRINTED IN CANADAPRIVATE CUSTOMIZEDTraining CoursePageWho Ssoftwaproficimore odays,se, bunew toRequioperatown laare enany daare theDayThis dcompepreviothe fol8:30 -¡E Welc¡E Verif¡E Unde¡E Crea¡E Data¡E Navig¡E Using¡E Addit¡E Mana¡E Clas10:00-¡E Refr10:15¡E Addit¡E Trea¡E Impo¡E Grou¡E Drag| 1Should Attendare ¡V but havency, or thoseof the softwarethose wantingut variety testino the software,irements. In alting systems asaptop computerncouraged to data to develop te main ones, th1- Researcday of instructietency in usingusly, could begllowing days of10:00 amcome and introdfy installation oferstanding reseating, accessingsecurity, backgating a researg the data expltion and definitaging traits: gros Exercise: Cr-10:15 amreshment breakto 12:00 pmtion and definittments (varietieorting treatmentuping treatmentg and dropIntroducFive Dad? 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Traineeseries, etc., anses noted beloTrialsthe most basart of the coursd not coverede courserscoursed usehissicrnwoerifndeiresndowsicseinPage | 2¡E Finding treatments in the research group¡E Class exercise: importing sample treatment lists12:00 to 1:00 pm¡E Lunch break, possibly as a group depending upon venue¡E Interaction with the course instructor as possible with the group1:00 to 3:00 pm¡E Designing experiments ¡V RCBD and split plots, other designs depending upon group interest¡E Exporting experiments to Excel or dBase¡E Importing experiments from the DEMO research group¡E Viewing data in experiments ¡V display options, locking traits, sorting, setting trait orders¡E System settings, split screens, data entry and validation, etc.¡E ¡§Static¡¨ traits ¡V their use in experiments, relevance¡E Class exercise: importing experiments and data into your practice research group3:00 to 3:15 pm¡E Refreshment break3:15 to 4:30 pm¡E Perennial experiments¡E Sub-sampling¡E Modifying and deleting experiments¡E Fillers in experiments, correcting for planting errors¡E Grouping experiments¡E Grouping and managing multi-location experiments (trials)4:30 to 5:00 pm¡E Review from the day ¡V questions from the day¡¦s topics¡E Trainee¡¦s own time to work on the day¡¦s topics¡E Interact with instructor on specific questionsDay 2 ¡V Field Planting Plans, Reports, Labels, Data EntryThis day focuses on the practical aspects of laying out experiments, trials and nurseries, and then bringingin data. The trainee will use the experiments created in Day 1 in their practice research group.8:30 to 10:00 am¡E Exporting trials¡E Class exercise: Importing a trial from the DEMO research group¡E Optimizing your use of your research group through grouping experiments, trials, and treatments10:00 to 10:15 am ¡E Refreshment break10:15 to 12:00 pm¡E Visual design of planting plans¡E Creating fields maps and sowing order lists¡E Planting and harvest order numbers¡E Saving and exporting planting plans to Excel and other file formats¡E Management of sites and plans¡E Class exercise: make your own planting plan(s) using experiments from your practice research group¡E Generating reports via the report generator12:00 to 1:00 pm¡E Lunch break, possibly as a group depending upon venue¡E Interaction with the course instructor as possible with the group1:00 to 3:00 pm¡E Introduction to the report generator: Designing field books¡E Advanced report features ¡V conditional printing, data grouping, report objects, calculations in a report¡E Designing labels and barcodes, printing multiple labels, thermal labels¡E Sorting and filtering prior to generating reports or labels¡E Class exercise: make your own reports or labels using your practice research group¡E Using the Generation II to Excel ¡§express link¡¨Page | 3¡E Using the AGROBASE TabletR application to enter data into experiments and nurseries from the field orgreenhouse and upload to an AGROBASE database over the internet3:00 to 3:15 pm¡E Refreshment break3:15 to 4:30 pm¡E Import data by relational index¡E Importance of import profiles¡E Notes on traits in each experiment¡E 4:30 to 5:00 pm¡E Review from the day¡¦s topics, answers for any trainee specific questions¡E Trainee¡¦s own time to work on the day¡¦s topics¡E Interact with instructor on specific questionsDay 3: Data Manipulation, Analysis, Varietal Comparisons, ImagesWith the experiments planted and data coming in during the season, this day focuses on data manipulationand calculations, basic analysis of variance, and varietal comparisons.8:30 to 10:00 am¡E Transformation (calculation) of data in your research group
¡E Building functions and logical conditions (filters)
¡E Managing calculated traits
¡E Transformation scales for categorical and other types of data
¡E Graphs ¡V bar, line, point, 3D and trend maps of field data
10:00 to 10:15 am
¡E Refreshment break
10:15 to 12:00 pm
¡E Linear models, options, and basic understanding ANOVA output
¡E The GenStatR to AGROBASE Generation II Link
¡E The R to AGROBASE Generation II Link
¡E Modified augmented design Type 2 for early generation yield testing
¡E Incomplete block and alpha design analyses
¡E Nearest-neighbor spatial analyses of yield trials
¡E Combined multi-location analyses, non-orthogonal situations, missing values
¡E Saving analyses to MS-WordR or Adobe AcrobatR
Note: Only a very basic knowledge of statistics is assumed
12:00 to 1:00 pm
¡E Lunch break, possibly as a group depending upon venue
¡E Interaction with the course instructor as possible with the group
1:00 to 3:00 pm
¡E Performing multiple single analyses of variance
¡E Accessing other analyses in Generation II ¡V histograms, descriptive statistics, regression, correlation
¡E Viewing means stored from analyses of variance for single factor experiments
¡E Computing ranks, percent of checks or varieties
¡E System settings for displays
¡E Generating reports from means tables
¡E Creating selection indices and new groups of varieties or hybrids
¡E Strategies for completing the yield testing cycle from one year to the next
¡E Class exercise: creating a selection index and new treatment group using your practice research group
3:00 to 3:15 pm
¡E Refreshment break
3:15 to 4:30 pm
¡E Varietal comparisons ¡V context in Generation II
¡E Head-to-Head comparisons of varieties or hybrids over years and locations
¡E Rolling average summaries across multi-year trials for unbalanced data sets
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¡E Performance grid to view relative varietal performance across locations within a year
¡E GxE analyses with stored means
¡E Hybrid performance analysis for gca and sca across experiments, locations, and years
¡E Image Display Module: Image display for treatments, traits, plots, experiments
4:30 to 5:00 pm
¡E Review from the day¡¦s topics, answers for any trainee specific questions
¡E Trainee¡¦s own time to work on the day¡¦s topics
¡E Interact with instructor on specific questions
Day 4 - Plant Breeding System: Parents, Crosses, Populations, Nurseries
This day focuses entirely on the breeding system. This would be an introduction if you have never used the
software before, or a refresher to help in ¡§fine tuning¡¨ the software if you are a more advanced user. We will
try to accommodate as many different crops and breeding schemes ¡V whether self-pollinating, hybrid
development, clonal crops breeding, and more.
8:30 to 10:00 am
¡E Identifying genotypes with desirable traits ¡V querying the research group
¡E Parental genotypes for a breeding program ¡V grouping, history, etc.
¡E Class Exercise: Impor
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