2. RELATED WORK While there has been a lot of effort in Modeling and Simulation (M&S) of mobile ad-hoc networks and mobile sensor networks in academia, there is also a number of re- searches on M&S of LTE mobile networks which are proprietary or available to public. Nevertheless there are a variety of LTE networks simulator tools that try to measure the performance of each layer based on different metrics and goals. Starting from physical layer (PHY), [5] and [6] pro- pose limited simulator tools associated with this layer only, and the focus is on analyzing a single transmitter-receiver pair. System Level simulators accommodate MAC layer on top of the PHY layer and consider an abstract representation of the upper layers, which are usually used for Radio Re- source Management (RRM) algorithms, and cannot provide inclusive performance measurements for the network as a whole. Examples of these simulators can be found in [7] and [8]. Therefore, the need for a generic LTE mobile net- work simulator that considers all the protocols in estimation of the network metrics is inevitable. An open source LTE network simulator is proposed in [9], which supports single and multi-cell environments, QoS management, a multi user environment, user mobility, handover procedures, scheduling, and frequency reuse technology. In the authors presented an NS-3 based module for simulating LTE net- works that provides a fully-fledged TCP/IP protocol stack in the simulation, as well as the support for other wireless technologies such as WiFi and WiMAX. Its focus is on the radio interface of LTE, the Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA). The module can estimate the propagation model and path loss, as well as testing scheduling techniques and link adaptation. Another version of this module was later presented in. This tool allows for manufacturer testing of LTE equipment before deployment in the actual environment. Due to large number of features in LTE networks, these simulation modules only cover a part of the network structure and focus on a few major metrics. Our approach focuses on a real simulation of LTE net- works using the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) formal M&S theory, providing measurements of the performance metrics based on radio engineering methods described in the latest 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) technical report [13].