HI Becky,
Knowing that Carbitex will deliver a 48”x 29” semi-rigid sheet, can you please denote the direction of the twill weave on the sheet to ensure the cutting direction
matches the current CFX WAW’s in the market?
The CFX semi-rigid sheets will be delivered in the 48” x 29” size. The fabric is already woven and will yield a 48” cutable width. Carbitex has provided 48” x 29” sheet pricing
as follows:
Sheet Qty Sheet Price (per sheet)
1,000 $183
3,000 $161
5,000 $143
Please review and provide final FOB’s as soon as possible. Please try your best to update the price to us today,
In addition, we would prefer that UWBI purchase these sheets direct from Carbitex. Please let us know if any questions.