Mitri, the Egyptian Scribe
From ancient times the role of the scribe has been an important one. The Bible has many references to Jewish scribes. In the Old Testament, Ezra was described as “a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses” (Ezra 7:6). He was a man whom God used for good in the biblical period of the post-captivity return and rebuilding.
Many of the New Testament references to scribes are not flattering. In fact, the scribes received some of Jesus’ sternest rebukes (see Matthew 23).
Ferrell Jenkins shares info and a photo of a modern scribe at Masada in his post at
Our photo today features a statue of an Egyptian scribe by name of Mitri, of Egypt’s 6th’s dynasty of the Old Kingdom (2345-2181 B.C.). Such men had to be very efficient at writing hieroglyphs quickly, and also be well-educated in mathematics.