Telemedicine is a new medical service model that enables a
patient to receive medical services without visiting a hospital
by connecting medical sites and patients. Existing
telemedicine systems use conventional multi-media
communications that can handle medical data, such as vital
signs, X-ray and CT images, and so on [l-21. Such systems
require physicians or medical technicians with sufficient skill
to provide appropriate medical service to the patient.
However, skilled persons are not always available, and an
unskilled person may require the help of a specialist to obtain
appropriate medical data. In such cases, the specialist must
transmit instructions on how to handle medical devices with
the utmost care and patience, as direct communication using
manual manipulation is not available with any existing
telemedicine system. This paper proposes an innovative
telemedicine system that enables direct instruction, in which
the participants share the same time and space via a network.