Aliiteration is the repetition of the initial consonant sound on words. An easier(though less exact)way to say this is that alliteration is when the first sounds in words repeat. Alliteration often works with assonance and consonance to make phonetically pleasing arrangements.
Jakia jumped in the jar of jelly
Despite their mother is warnings,the children chose to chew with their mouths open.
The grass grew green in the graveyard.
Notice the repetition of the"j" sound in the first example? Alliteration is not always so jarringly obvious. Sometimes it is very subtle,such as in the following
Example: He keeps the kitchen clean.
Though this example is still pretty obvious,it shows that even when one word starts with a "k" and another word starts with a "c" it is still considered an instance of alliteration. When we study alliteration,we are concerned with the sounds of the words,not just the letters.
Rhyme is when the end or final sound of two or more words are identical. If the end sounds are not identical,than the speaker or writer is using consonance or assnoance instead. Rhymes can also occur internally or on the inside of words or lines of poetry. A rhyme may also be monosyllabic(a one syllabe rhyme) or polysyllabic(rhyme two or more syllables),such as in the following ecamples:
I left my punch card on the lunch yard.
I drove a race car to the space bar.
We saw a butter fly flutter by.