The increase in tension strength was related to the increase in IB; the 52 percent increase in IB for the 0.125-inch veneers yielded a relatively small increase of 5 percent in tension strength (at the 5-in. glueline length), and the 126 percent increase in IB for the 0.167-inch-thick veneers yielded a 33 percent increase in tension strength. There was no increase in the IB or the tension strength of the 0.100-- inch-thick veneer 2-ply test samples with use of the isocyanate adhesive (Fig. 16). This indicates that the use of isocyanate adhesive per se does not provide an increase in strength properties over that provided by the PF glue, other than that arising from an increased IB in the 0.125- and 0.167-inch 2-ply test samples.