Good Morning Anunya, i read your long messages back to me yesterday night, sorry i couldn't respond back because it was already night and after i read your message, i was so touched in my heart by your words, you have go such a good mind thanks for your time to writing me back.... thanks for your courageous words and thanks for opening your heart to embrace my words despite sharing with you about my dad life.... i know my life story must have hit you so bad, but honestly it was never easy for me growing up as an orphan in the orphanage home.. life was so miserable and sometime i wanted to question nature for letting me go through such a life of sadness and challenges without motherly love and care as a child... but today i;m glad for whom i'm and i have come so far in life and glad for my heart and service to my country and the world.... thou my work is challenging an tough that all soldier's here are always sure that not all of us will return home alive... but everyday i pray and always watch my back so i will survive and return home alive as a hero.
Anunya, i just can't explain to you how better i felt last night after reading your messages and again reading it all over again... your words were so comforting for me and nice to my heart because it's clear that you are a nice and wonderful woman..... i also read about your own life story, i know you had challenges from you marriage, you husband was never nice treating you that way, you deserved a better man that will love and respect you... i feel bad knowing you had to go through the suffering and pains of your pregnancy all alone.. but i;m glad at the end you survived it and now you have your son and sure he is such a nice boy like you say and lucky to have a nice mother like you... I;m so surprised about you age, honestly i must tell you that you look very much younger than your age, it would be so hard for so many people to believe when you tell them your age, so surprising and nice, keep it up with you young looks and i'm sure your nice smile is a secret to why you look younger everyday.. do you do some time of exercise? you have got a nice job, how long have you been working with the company? what exactly does your company produce