arises if is suspected that prohibited items are brought into the main watering areas. this protocol prevents the possession of weapons, drug paraphernalia, glass items, or other prohibited items specified by city. it is very common to have groups of thais post themselves at the side of rads or corners of intersections with garden hoses or large new plastic trash cans filled with water( typically ice cold) that is used to drench sidewalkers and random vehicles (taxis, cars, motorcycles, tuk tuks) that come within watering range. although rare, unruly pr inebriated individuals are know to throw ice cubes at passersby, an activity frowned upon by all. this sort of festivity, however, was not always the main activity of this festival. songkran is traditionally a time to visit and pay respects to elders, including family members, friends, neighbors, and monks. the songkran festival is counted as new life festivity in which many around the world take part in, but mostly focused in the country of thailand.