1 Animals shall not be transported unless they can be expected to withstand the journey without harm. Sick, injured, or weak
animals, those in an advanced state of pregnancy, and young animals dependent of their parents shall not be transported
without special precautions.
2 Animals shall be properly prepared for transport and watered and fed as necessary, before and during transport.
3 Only competent or sufficiently trained personnel shall accompany and feed and water the animals during transport. Such
personnel is not necessary if the seller or the buyer have ensured that the animals receive, if necessary, food and water and
the necessary attention during the transport or during halts.
4 Lactating dairy cattle shall be milked twice a day.
5 If necessary, animals shall be transported in separate compartments, according to species, age, and sex. Unsociable animals
shall be transported separately.
6 Solipeds and clove-hoofed animals not being transported in containers shall be loaded and unloaded by means of non-slip
ramps. Such ramps shall not be too steeply angled or have gaps wide enough to cause injuries to the animals. The ramps must
be equipped with a lateral protection corresponding to the size and weight of the animals, except if the animals can be led by
hand and if the ramp is no higher than 50 cm.
7 Horses, except for young animals not accustomed to wearing them, shall wear halters during transport. Rope halters are
prohibited. Where horses are transported untethered in groups, the shoes shall be removed from their rear hooves.
8 Bulls over 18 months of age shall wear a nose ring. Wearing a nose ring can be refrained from prior to a change of location
or prior to slaughtering:
a. if the bulls were kept primarily outdoors in a herd or in groups in running stalls; and
b. if special precautions were taken for their saft transportation and their safe loading and unloading.
8 bis Cattle may not be tethered by the horns nor by nose rings nor bound by strings.
9 Only competent persons shall be allowed to drive, herd, load and unload animals. They must treat the animals carefully
when doing so.
10 Vehicles shall be driven with due consideration for the animals. Railway wagons shall be manoeuvred as little as possible
while trains are being assembled.
11 Insides of vehicles and transport containers shall be thoroughly cleaned before shipment