2.Literature Survey
Lynn McAanncy and E. Nigel Corlett (1993) proposed a method called RULA [1]. RULA is designed to assess operators who may be exposed to musculoskeletal loading. Hignett and Lynn McAtanncy (2000) proposed a method REBA. REBA is another postural analysis tool [2]. This tool is found to be sensitive to the type of unpredictable working posture in health care and other service industries. Ira L. Janowitz et.al (2006) measures the physical demands of work in hospital setting [3]. For this they use Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). T. Jones and S. Kumar (2007) compare ergonomic risk assessment in a repetitive high risk sawmill occupation Saw-filler [4]. Kee D. and Karwowski W. (2007) made a comparison of three observational techniques for assessing postural loads in industry [5]. For this study OWAS, RULA and REBA are taken as observational techniques. Tan (1996) studied the analyses of tasks carried out in an electronics factory [6]. The ergonomic and biomechanical hazards of problem work tasks are identified. Yeow and Sen (2003) studied an ergonomic study that was conducted to improve the workstations for electrical tests in a printed circuit assembly (PCA) factory [7]. Yeow and Sen (2003) aimed at reducing the occupational health and safety problems faced by the manual component insertion operators [8]. Subjective, objective assessments and direct observations were made in the printed circuit assembly factory. Yeow and Sen (2004) studied an ergonomics improvement that was conducted on the visual inspection process of a printed circuit assembly (PCA) factory [9]. Three problems identified were operator’s eye problems, insufficient time for inspection and ineffective visual inspection. Ergonomics interventions were made to rectify the problems. A visual inspection sequence was introduced to rectify it. Abdullah et al. (2009) studied to identify and quantify ergonomics working postures that contributed to the serious development of musculoskeletal injuries and thus investigated possible contributory their related causes [10]. Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) methods were used to estimate the final score of working posture. Grzybowski (2001) discussed new trends in developing and implementing methods of workplace analysis [11]. A sample method for the workplace ergonomics evaluation was developed. Mirka et al. (2002) studied to develop and evaluate engineering controls for the reduction of low back injury risk in workers in the furniture manufacturing industry [12]. Keyserling et al. (1992) developed a one-page checklist for determining the presence of ergonomic risk factors associated with awkward postures of the lower extremities, trunk and neck [13]. Vignais N et al. (2013) studied a system that permits a real-time ergonomic assessment of manual tasks in an industrial environment [14]. A computerized RULA ergonomic assessment was implemented to permit a global risk assessment of musculoskeletal disorders in real-time. Chan get al. (2007) proposed a method of conducting workplace evaluations in the digital environment for the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and apply a digitalhuman modelling system to the workplace virtual dynamic simulation [15].