Bergdahl and US Department of State: Note from a US Combat Veteran:
My head is about to explode.
Share this viral. This person needs to be named and shamed.
Her name is Marie Harf. She is a deputy spokeswoman at the Department of State. Her direct superior is Jen Psaki. The lady who gets nothing right about Thailand.
Marie Harf is such an ideological tool-bag that she doubts that Bergdahl's fellow grunts are best qualified to testify about his desertion.
This is what is wrong with America.
Obama zealots lie, they do not know how to communicate without lying, so they lie, and they lie big and hard and long and they convince themselves that they are not lying, and they automatically assume that everyone will just fall in line for them, and believe the endless whoppers spewing from their conniving cake holes.
Except too many of us are waking up. We know a lie when we hear it. The mass hypnosis that has so many Americans sleepwalking through their daily lives, blindly believing the pure shit dispensed to them by our government, is lifting.
There are two Americas. Never more so than now.
===End note from Veteran===