By using this tree, we can predict customers’ preferences. For
example, if there is a female customer with an income of $1324,
the tree indicates that she will be interested in anhApple Desktopi.
The concept labelhApple Desktopiis at the most specific level of
product categories. As a second example, consider a male customer
who holds a post in Business. Tracing down the tree from the root,
we reach a leaf with a more abstract product category,hLaptopi,so
the DT shows that this customer will be interested in any kind of
Laptop. The accuracy of the prediction in this case is still guaranteed without losing too much precision. Finally, we can transform
the DT into a set of ‘‘if-condition-then-label” rules by traversing
each path of the tree from the root node to the leaf nodes, as shown
in Fig. 5.