PayPal logo 02 Jun, 2015 20:39:34 GMT+07:00
Transaction ID: 8KH49448XM621005F
Dear Dawrueng Panyarot,
You sent a payment of $4.18 AUD to CHEN SHAO NA (
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CHEN SHAO NA Note to seller
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Delivery address
Pedro Miguel Chaves Sardo
182 21 150th Avenue
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
United States
Dispatch details
The seller hasn’t provided any dispatch details yet.
Description Unit price Qty Amount
1 Pair Hair Straightener Perm Curling Hairdressing Heat Resistant Finger Gloves [Black]
Item Number 141650465916 $2.19 AUD 1 $2.19 AUD
Postage and packaging $1.99 AUD
Insurance - not offered ----
Total $4.18 AUD
Payment $4.18 AUD
This charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *CHENSHAONA"
Payment sent to
From amount ฿113.40 THB
To amount $4.18 AUD
Exchange rate: 1 Thai Baht = 0.0368603 Australian Dollars
Currency conversion: To complete this transaction, we've converted the payment amount to the currency of your card. Our currency conversion processing fee was added to the exchange rate, which is set by an external financial institution. For more information about fees, see "Exhibit A – Fees" in our User Agreement.
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