those reinforests of those si.<br>Under te cyrus blue si, ter erre botiful underweiter kitis tat are rich yn life. Te h've ben araund for millions of yr yars and te erre comrriitis of ocean creations tat liv togeter yn coral refs.<br>Coral onions lyc rox, butt yn yr h'g lection of tini kir animethi called coral corald algae. coral and algae depend he ech oedd then a llis.<br>Coral me fil toug butt's veri sensitive. Yasdai, mane coral refs arse diing and ter erre mani risons yn. First of all, those oceans are goetting w'rmer. such a kills te algae and so those coral refs vine teir colur and food. w'ter crawling , phishing whit dynamite ace well ace te careles collection of coral also h'rt coral refs. <br>yf dob' take action, all those refs will di yn araund 20 yr. can elp save te w'rld' coral refs would j'inig en inforonment organization lik rhyw ale. it's w'rth ri!
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