A Healthier Heart
Researchers hypothesized that resveratrol might decrease obesity by preventing immature fat cells from fully maturing, and also help activate sirtuin 1, a protein that protects the heart from inflammation and it could offer some therapeutic opportunities in the treatment of obesity, which is quite prevalent in the industrialized world. Reducing obesity, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, may also help improve heart health.
A Shield Against Cancer
Wine has poly-phenolic which the anti-oxidant substances that is high (as well as fruits, vegetables and tea) to help prevent cancer. Hop, which used the brewers contain anti-oxidants called Xanthohumol. It helps to retard the growth of cancer cells and increase enzyme which act against cancer.
Stronger Bones and Sharper Minds
Recent evidence has shown that resveratrol, a compound naturally found in wine and another can help prevent heart disease by increasing levels of high-density lipoprotein, also known as “good” cholesterol. The resveratrol may also increase spinal bone density in men with metabolic syndrome. the resveratrol as a viable treatment option for osteoporosis.