Perseus was a half-human, half-god son of Zeus. He killed Medusa, the Gorgon, who was so hideous that one look at her could turn you into stone. To avoid this fate, Perseus only looked at her in the reflection of his shield in order to defeat her.
After that, the queen of Ethiopia, Casseiopia, angered the god Poseidon by bragging about her daughter Andromeda's beauty. To get revenge, Poseidon (the sea god) sent a sea monster, and the only thing that would appease it was a human sacrifice--specifically, Andromeda. So the king and queen reluctantly chained their daughter to a rock for the monster to eat, in order to save their kingdom.
Perseus, on his way back from slaying Medusa, noticed Andromeda chained to the rock, so he set her free and killed the sea monster. The two of them were married, and when they died, became adjacent constellations.
Perseus was a half-human, half-god son of Zeus. He killed Medusa, the Gorgon, who was so hideous that one look at her could turn you into stone. To avoid this fate, Perseus only looked at her in the reflection of his shield in order to defeat her.
After that, the queen of Ethiopia, Casseiopia, angered the god Poseidon by bragging about her daughter Andromeda's beauty. To get revenge, Poseidon (the sea god) sent a sea monster, and the only thing that would appease it was a human sacrifice--specifically, Andromeda. So the king and queen reluctantly chained their daughter to a rock for the monster to eat, in order to save their kingdom.
Perseus, on his way back from slaying Medusa, noticed Andromeda chained to the rock, so he set her free and killed the sea monster. The two of them were married, and when they died, became adjacent constellations.
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