However, although they know that this last fellow of coming to power is talented, Lu Xuan is not necessarily able is a match, but in the innermost feelings, actually some faint anticipations, anticipated after Lu Xuan breaks through, can receive his challenge, then defeats it!
If so, that this day blade gate comes the person of challenge, Lian Neizong has the core, completely was selected to turn by a Lu Xuan person, this is the what kind aggression, Lu Xuan, will become the hero of wind sword sect deserving, but in wind sword sect sect, big long face.
Many ** similarly sits cross-legged to sit, awaits calmly the matter to develop.
„Lu Xuan this child, really silly to receiving challenge?” Chen Xiaohan clenches teeth, some shorts of breath, some [say / way] of worry.
Lin Xinyi slightly one hesitant, opens the mouth to say slowly: „He will definitely make the most correct choice, I believe him!”
Lin Xinyi this words, said somewhat conservatively, had not said that Lu Xuan can comply, because she is also in doubt, although in her heart 100 do not want Lu Xuan to take risk, but if Lu Xuanzhen receives the challenge, she also can only choose to believe Lu Xuan.
Before entire sword forest, silent piece, Lian Zhong ** the sound of discussion also vanished, all people, waited for the landing porch to regain consciousness.
Does not know that knows the people were waiting, Lu Xuan this time ** the time, unexpectedly is suitable long, in an instant, passed by a double-hour, but Lu Xuan the body, is entirely still as before.
„He will not hear our words, does not dare to accept the challenge, intentionally in this **?” Brother Wei somewhat could not repress, leaves the sound track once again.
„You can walk, nobody is blocking.” Chen Mo is closing one's eyes to maintain mental tranquility similarly, the eyelid does not lift sound track.
When speech, Chen Mo has actually been paying attention to the sound of landing porch, is good breathes because of this moment Lu Xuan very gently, does not have the slight difference, should also in **, but why does not know, the time of this breakthrough appears somewhat long.
„Snort, I am patiently good, I must have a look but actually, he can also ** are ten days inadequate for half a month?” Brother Wei also with Lu Xuan on stubborn, in any event, must compel Lu Xuan and fights..
Regarding all that the outside has, Lu Xuan knows nothing radically, a sword repels, after starting to break through the boundary, Lu Xuan completely sank to own microcosm, [gold/metal] Elder and the others came to power, afterward as well as Brother Wei presented the challenge, he does not know the circumstances of the matter completely.
In fact, until now, Lu Xuanzao broke through, but, in the process of breakthrough, actually had some all person unexpected matters.
From the beginning, turns over to under the revolution of Yuan Secret Art in Taiyi, the innumerable elementary forces, continuous permeating Lu Xuan's within the body, starts to quenching his whole body marrow, all carry on as usual, so long as can succeed will build up the body nine heavy boundaries to be stable, Lu Xuan can sober.
But at this moment, in Lu Xuan the sensation, presented a handle sword unexpectedly blurry!
In sensation to the flash of this handle sword, in Lu Xuanxin slightly one startled, he thinks that was sword crystal in the dantian appears changed, but the intention sank to the dantian, the discovery sword crystal simply did not have what accident, revolved in the dantian as before, until this time, Lu Xuancai felt that some did not suit, since were not the sword crystal, that this handle sword, where came?