England is one of four countries which combined is called Great Britain. The full name is “the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, and it is England. A greeting of the British is shake hand. It is approximately 90% British religion is Christianity. England is a very free country, where you can be whoever you want to be and say almost everything want to say, and the government is also planning to legalize gay marriage. The British Cultural Values is ‘‘time’’. British people make the best use of their time, which considered as ‘every second is valuable’. They think that in business world, time is money. Being on time for an appointment, class or dinner with your friends is very important to British people. The British Cultural Values is saying "Excuse me", as if someone were standing. And we have to say, Excuse me for asking them to avoid. And the England Cultural Values is saying Please / Thank you call it a speech mannerism. If someone does not speak Please and thank you, it is Considered uncultured. The British Cultural Values is courtesy, have to standing in line for queue. Whether buying food, waiting for the bus or the other. It is very necessary. And when you cough or sneeze must to require for each gag time. The British Cultural Values is tradition, who was ordering. Whatever to eat with anyone if we were ordering food or drinks for the opponent. We have to pay for that too.