The group of 500 noble women with Pajapati Gotami as their leader heard that the Buddha had travelled onwards so they too journeyed 150 kilometers by foot to arrive at the Mahavaha Monastery. They went to temple gate and Ananda met them. They told Ananda that they were serious in their request to ordain as Bhikkhunis. Ananda saw their strength of character and strong intention. He also felt compassion for the wealthy and edicated noble women who had travelled so far on foot.
Ananda spoke with the Buddha and asked the Buddha whether a woman could attain enlightenment. The Buddha said, “Yes, of course.” Then Ananda told the Buddha of the arrival of the woman who loved him, raised him as a baby and boy, cared for him, and brought him up, Pajapati Gotami. He also told the Buddha that 500 noble women accompanied her and all wanted to become Bhikkhunis, so the Buddha gladly agreed to ordain them.