f Multiply the # of shifts per week (5) by the # of interviewers per shift (4) to get 20 total shifts
per week.
f Multiply the total shifts per week (20) by the # of hours per shift (3), and get a maximum of 60
hours of interviewing per week.
f Subtract 15 minutes per person per shift for breaks.
f The adjusted # of interviewing hours per week = 55.
f Multiply the # of interviewing hours (55) by the expected CPH (2).
f The approximate # of completions per week to expect = 110, which should be sufficient to
finish data collection within three weeks.
f In order to determine how many interviewers to hire, divide the total shifts per week (20) by
the minimum # of required shifts per interviewer (3) to get 6.7.
f Based on these calculations, six to seven interviewers should be sufficient to complete the
study within your timeline.