We would like to get your approval for Utilize money from selling un-claim asset of ex-Jakarta office for office relocation.
(1) To decrease expenses of Utami for office relocation.
Based on discussion with Accounting Manager of DIN, Mr.Avinash Wagh, we are strong recommend do not record money from selling un-claim of ex-Jakarta office in Utami or AMS’ financial statement because of:
a. Complicated recording in financial statement because of the un-claim asset never stated in AMS or UJM’s financial statement (both companies can not record it because of never buying it);
b. It will create the tax if AMS or UJM record it as grant in our financial statement.
Based on explanation in above, we strong recommended utilizing money from selling un-claim asset of ex-Jakarta office for office relocation and packing cost for un-claim asset that shipping to Banjarbaru, it’s already supported by Accounting Manager of DIN, Mr.Avinash Wagh.